Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Non-Whistleblower Whistleblower

Edward Snowden is a whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg was a whistleblower- both broke the law (Snowden currently lives in exile, while charges against Ellsberg were dropped due to legal improprieties committed during his trial) to take what they discovered directly to the American people. Both paid a price. 

David Grusch however has not broken any specific law, amazingly he's managed his in house expose all by the book, and still retains his top secret military intelligence classification- which is why he often speaks publicly in generalities (he has given much more detailed testimony to Congress behind closed doors). He must first get clearance from his former/still boss on what he can say and to whom, otherwise, off to jail he will go- for a very, very long time... He has gone out to the very edge of the precipice, but he has not taken the leap- at least, not without a parachute. And I can't much say I blame him, I wouldn't particularly want to sabotage the rest of my life at his age, with a lifetime of even more debilitating harassment, decades of jail time or a fatal "accident." He's already gone well above and beyond.

Prior to appearing before Congress, he had to testify (under oath) to the Inspector General, who then interviewed other military/government officials under oath concerning Mr. Grusch. All this to ascertain Mr. Grusch's character and credibility (before being pilloried by large sections of the government, press and public as just the latest tin foil UFO whacko). Mr. Grusch is more witness than whistleblower; and as Mr. Coulthart curiously reminds us, US courts have had no problem sending people to their death on witness testimony. 

I don't think the current testimony from Mr. Grusch will lead us directly to the much anticipated Disclosure where all will be revealed to the public at large. It will simply let (some of) the secret(s) out to a larger ring of government officials (ie- select members of Congress, etc) so they can cash in. But it does get us one step closer (perhaps now sooner rather than later), until real whistleblowers decide to one day forgo their jobs, pensions, freedoms and personal safety to take that extraterrestrial leap of faith. It's gonna happen, just wouldn't hold my breath...

Friday, July 28, 2023

RIP Sinead

Not her biggest fan by any means, but ya can't deny... what a voice, and what a talent! And if you have any doubt whatsoever, just listen to the first three jewels below that epitomize the very definition of sublime. Have no idea what demons haunted her mental health and well being, but goddamn, at least she was original- and didn't give a damn about celebrity or any of its trappings. She was also spot on about the Catholic Church (for which she was vilified), long before that horror story hit the mainstream, no apology was forthcoming, even when proven correct. 

Yeah, R-I-P...

Monday, July 24, 2023

A Most Unusual Day

I usually go to different neighborhoods in San Francisco on weekends to try and keep it fresh, and lately to get the hell outta dodge (my immediate downtown zombie ghost land). Hadn't taken a decent pic in a while, so this Saturday I decided to revisit a somewhat industrial section of town that has always been rather desolate, it definitely has a different feel than the rest of the town architecturally, and different is what I wanted... but I wasn't welcoming the fact that I'd really stand out walking about and be easy prey for any gang of thieves (be they ambulatory or vehicular) looking for a quick camera heist these days. I managed a sole image of a lost soul, and shortly thereafter, decided discretion the better part of valor before deciding once again to... get the hell outta dodge. 

Photo: © Stan Banos

But I digress...

Because the most unusual part of the day occurred quite some time before I had even left home. Around eleven that morning, I heard a knock on my door, looked through the peephole to spot two uniforms- WTF? Have you seen your neighbor lately? Whoa! That question usually ends one way. "No, no I haven't- but I only see him like once a month, if that." A gentleman in his seventies who walks with a cane and I always made a point to say hello to. OK, thanks. An hour passes and I hear a bevy of voices outside my door followed by the sounds of things being moved about next door. I don't have to ask what's going on. An hour later I'm headed out and the stench fills my nostrils immediately upon opening the door, just before seeing the latex gloves strewn about the hallway. 

It had to have been a few weeks before anyone noticed. I sure hadn't, and I was right next door- eating and sleeping probably no more than ten feet from a dead guy (yeah, our units are that small); didn't know anything, didn't smell anything... Did just make out the radio or TV late into the night- just thought it a lonely old man accompanying himself to sleep. 

There's a health hazard seal on his door now, and I sincerely hope they clean the place out properly tomorrow ASAP! A bottle of Lysol can only do so much, and I'm fortunate, indeed, that none of it permeates my apt- except for a certain amount of nagging guilt. Should've bothered to get to know him better, asked if he needed help etc, etc- shoulda, woulda, coulda... 

I'm betting there'll probably be a next time to make amends somewhere down the line; and then one day, no doubt, my turn to stink up the hallway good...

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Didn't See This Coming...

I'm well (well) past wondering if UFO's are... real. That's a fundamental fact, the only question remaining- why are they here? They're not just studying us, they're definitely up to something- whether they're beneficial or detrimental to humanity, that's the question. I lean to the former, then again, there are very credible reports that there's well more than a handful of various species visiting us. Are they all friendly? And are they extraterrestrial or interdimensional? One thing's for sure, they could have made us toast quite some time ago had they wanted to

But this, this is pretty freakin' awesome to say the least; and before y'all break down laughing- Ross Coulthart is a serious journalist from Australia who started reporting on this subject matter with more than your fair share of skepticism, definitely not your typical tin hat UFO 'whacko!'

Thursday, July 13, 2023

This Town...

Funny thing is... it would actually work!

Is coming like a... Ghost Town! The song rings in my head over and over and over again walking barren streets rampant with the ghosts of those without homes, without hope, many without their very minds... Wandering amongst the remains: a few desperate long term residents along with a sprinkling of hesitant, bewildered tourists.

Downtown San Francisco is split into two distinct parts: the business district and the commercial/shopping district. Realistically, the former didn't have a chance of reclaiming its former pre-Covid glory; not after having so heavily invested in tech, whose workers fealty to community and reality itself lies within the rectangle of their nearest computer screen. Once acclimated to working at home long term, they abandoned the urban workaday infrastructure altogether, and all the foot traffic, restaurants and other supportive businesses dried up in turn. The shopping district fared better, it was back to about 65% of its once normal self, but then the unabated shop lifting and robberies began, continued and took its toll... now, with the epidemic of recent store closures, it's down to about 40%. 

All Photos: © Stan Banos

I remember NYC in the seventies, when it was supposedly in its death throes- I just thought it was normal, maybe it was youth. But this is different, decidedly so, I'm watching a city metastasize and die all around me. It's visible, palpable, and it's not some outlying, marginalized neighborhood- it's the very heart and soul of downtown San Francisco (and its surrounding environs), sucked dry like a forlorn Martian landscape.

And it ain't gonna get better, before it gets worse. No one has a plan, not a one has the slightest what to do...

Fleeting glimpses of the remains of California dreamin'...

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Mom's An Alien!

Pretty freakin' fascinating- this photo boggled the ol' noggin since first I laid eyes on quite some time ago... couldn't make heads nor tails of it, no way no how! A cartoon alien spaceman of rather large proportions and questionable visual presence finally rendered all too familiar and domestic...

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Absolute Madness

Photo: © Stan Banos

I sincerely hope someone (ie- EVERYONE!) is taking this threat
 S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y! This is catastrophe of monumental proportion, the kind which Putin must be made to understand will guarantee so called Western civilization (if it is in fact in any way civilized) to automatically implement his immediate termination, post haste. No escape, no negotiation. It would be a much more merciful death than for the thousands who would linger and suffer agonizingly slow and painful deaths from radiation sickness, but he must be made to realize that he would not be given even one furtive second to enjoy his sick, sadistic savagery...