Thursday, April 30, 2020

Think You Know Anything?

I thought so, I thought I at least knew something. And once again... I-don't-know-shit.

What happens when the 'alternatives' we have been led to believe to be good, safe, and sustainable, are every bit as onerous and deadly as the ones they replace? What happens when the "good guys" are every bit as as duplicitous as the bad...

Once you get over the narrator's droll, monotonous, lacklustre voice over (yes, I almost stopped watching at first)- the information presented is the most maddening, informative and disheartening I can recall to date. All I really expected were scenes and information that would simply reinforce what I already 'knew' and believed, perhaps with a couple of new fun facts and arresting scenics thrown in. Instead, Planet Of The Humans (particularly the second half) toppled my world view- and not for the better. 

The surreal final scene is one of iconic sadness and horror- how did this wondrous planet beget such soulless creatures?

PS- If you watch anything during this pandemic layover- this is the film to watch! And if you take away anything of note from this blog over the course of the past 15 years, let this be it- and be sure to inform and share with others...

ADDENDUM: I want to thank those who wrote back to alert me about the very serious  criticism concerning this movie. It seems that there are several out of date and/or factual errors/questions concerning the accuracy of its information. Objections noted! Ideally, those concerns would be addressed with updates/corrections at the end of said movie.

The criticism that it did not address the fossil fuel companies is a non starter- yes, it most obviously assumes that you are already aware of that industry's long and well documented history of continued deception and destruction. And as the first link in this post notes (a documentary that received far less attention)- fossil fuels may not even be the major cause of so much of our pollution, the meat industry and its many tentacles may hold that insidious distinction!

Many of the things addressed in the movie are, in fact, cause for concern and further study as far as effectiveness and efficiency, eg- biomass. Anyone remember how corn ethanol was going to be an environmental savior? And personal attacks are always of particular concern- although it's always important to investigate the investigators. And when you come right down to it... Yes, population control is a key factor that needs to be confronted and controlled- nothing is going to curtail world wide pollution and environmental degradation unless this is addressed; that in itself is most definitely not racist, although it can be implemented in the most racist of manner(s).

All said and done, if this film causes more controversy, more study... more action concerning our current environmental cataclysm- then all well and good! Because one thing can't be denied- the very ending of that movie, as singularly gut wrenching as it is... is happening each and every day!


Monday, April 27, 2020

Don't Know About You...

Photo: © Stan Banos

But this shelter in place, self quarantine, call it what you will social isolation with no way out is getting way old, way fast...

Now, I'm not exactly a yahoo Trumpazoid, but we are going to eventually resort to some modicum of modified "normalcy." Ideally, we should have all been tested by now, but almost two months later that is not to be, and no one's, as of yet, naming dates. I've been lucky throughout this: not dead (or lost anyone near and dear), or even sick (far as I know)- and am still on salary. Others have been nowhere near as lucky, and if not hurting health wise, are in dire danger economically. We can't hunker down indefinitely trying to ride hide this out- and what of the possible second and/or third wave of virus?

The problem is, of course, that NO ONE knows exactly what to do- no one alive has been through this before. And it hasn't helped that we have a bumbling, self sabotaging, pompous fool of a wannabe leader who dropped the ball long before the game even began, and has yet to find it.

So yes, careful and cautious we must remain- but we must also start to prepare and ready our resurgence, if only in dribs and drabs where least affected. I'm not for opening every casino, tattoo parlor and nail salon, but we do need to judiciously reemerge from our bunkers and unto the light. Science and government can and should lead the way, restrictions need to be incorporated and enforced. But right now... we need a game plan! We need some vision of a way forward- guidelines, benchmarks... something! 

Trump got rid of our Pandemic Response Team, he has quickly backtracked, denying he did any such thing- but his overall policy is simple enough... if it's not a moneymaker, get rid of it! That is not government, that is penny wise, pound foolish Economics 101. This is when a responsible government grabs the reins, shows the way, and leads! So far we the people have been pretty compliant and cooperative, but without a tentative strategy at the very least, without that carrot at the end of a stick showing a way out- people are going to start resorting to their own stop gap measures. And that's always been a pretty virulent virus of concern...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

$32Million Per Hour, Per Year!

Photo: © Stan Banos

Well, who knew? Talk about fun facts

So when you go about your daily life in these semi-United States (both now and post pandemic) wondering why: our roads and bridges are falling apart, our schools so bad and colleges unaffordable, our doctors and hospitals lacking basic essentials, our citizens so often lacking proper, life supporting health care or somnambulating homeless throughout our streets... 

Now, you will no longer have to burden yourself with that ever so perplexing question as to why any and all of those things (and countless more) continue to perplex and burden us all! And not to worry- all will be properly redistributed and funded once the masks all come off. No doubt! Now, isn't that... "liberating?"

Friday, April 17, 2020

Whiling Away The Hours, Days, Nights, Weeks, Mo...

The now requisite empty Covid street scene...  Photo: © Stan Banos

So...What you been doing of recent? Tiger King already seems like a full pandemic ago. I was already living in semi-suspended animation since the wife split of late, but this extended shelter in place business has taken it to a whole 'nother dimension of stagnant unreality. Still, I've only remained completely sequestered two days thus far- have to get out to stretch the legs and get some fresh air (and when really lucky, smoke one of my few remaining cigars). I only wear a mask when on the bus, working with my client, or food shopping. And I've been trying to get some photos but, as previously alluded to... fewer people = slimmer pickings. 

Obviously, this is a good time to play catch up- and that's a good part of exactly what I've been up to. So at various times you'll find me: restoring my damaged negs (would take a coupla pandemics just to finish that), scanning yet to be edited panoramic negs from my old Widelux, and attempting to catalog my negs (damaged and undamaged) into some small modicum of semi orderliness. On some nights, I've been up to the late wee hours of the morn doing the first on said list.

For down time, I've been trying to make some kinda headway on American Witness, and the third season of Ozark was a particularly guilty pleasure. And then there's... YouTube- that inexorable rabbit hole of infotainment, cheap thrills and lost time extraordinaire. If that ain't the exact formula for what's needed most right now, don't know what is. These past weeks I've witnessed: various solids getting squished in a hydraulic press, sperm whales sleeping vertically(!), ghost town views of Rome and NYC, 'vintage' championship boxing matches from lightweight to heavy, con artist martial artist 'masters' exposed and beat down, body building steroid freaks, the origins of Nazi Fanta soda, Japanese trying to pass as Chicanos y Chicanas (or Germans as Indians), and I finally (finally) know why White Castle isn't a national, worldwide franchise! Speaking of franchises, if all that doesn't constitute a  professorship level of knowledge at any Trump University branch near you- don't know what does...

And lord knows I shouldn't complain since I am (probably) healthy, and one of the impoverished few, lucky enough to still be getting paid- thank you, UNION (SEIU 1021); but boy, gosh, golly- do I miss a good cappuccino! Get Well, NYC...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

San Francisco Picture Postcard

Photo: © Stan Banos

I tend to a client w/disabilities on the other side of town 3X a week, and to get some exercise, I've been walking there, mixing up the route each day as I go. I've lived here 20 years now and didn't even know this place existed- could be wrong, but I don't think most native San Franciscans do either. So you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon Ina Coolbrith Park- in all its tiny glory, hidden atop a hill in (not so) plain sight. It basically consists of a couple of (very) short, winding walkways which dramatically lead unto a drop dead gorgeous view of the downtown skyline amidst a petite Garden of Eden- pretty freakin' surreal! San Francisco is such a uniquely beautiful city, least far as the US of A is concerned; pity that now flush in money, vast swaths of it have been allowed to degenerate into an open air toilet...

Think I'll escape there a few days, park myself on one of the (unoccupied) benches, and try to make some headway on American Witness.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID 19 Is Gonna Kill Us All!

Photo: © Stan Banos

Well, Actually... no. But I don't think anyone would've believed the predicament we're in now just a couple of months ago, even though it's been one of the long held tenets of climate change as we compete more and more each day with our remaining wild environment. The misnamed Spanish Flu (it didn't originate there) was ever the more deadly, with fatalities in the millions as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of Covid 19. If you caught it, your chances were not good, it was so horrific that once over, populations worldwide actively chose to forget the whole episode... ASAP. Corona has not been anywhere near as deadly, but are diseases just like it going to be the repetitive new norm?

The very fact that China's "wet market" (the very place from where this disease, and others like it, were most likely dispersed from) has already been reopened displays that leadership's lack of will to do anything about preventing future pandemics from occurring. Mainland China's abuse and slaughter of wild (and domestic) animals (eg- rhinos, elephants, sharks, bears, pangolins and yes, even dogs) has already very much been a world wide concern; now it is something that threatens not only the lives of the animals involved- but of people throughout the entirety of the planet. China's leaders must be made answerable to this callous disregard of human, and animal life!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Didn't give Epstein all that much attention- another rich perv with celebrity contacts... But once you get past the initial shock of this guy's unruly mat of age defying, greyless hair- he does ask some awfully intriguing questions! And who does have all those videos?!?!?!

PS- Well if ya DON'T wanna talk about that... then it's back to this babbling idiot-
"I basically did what the memo said. And the memo was — the memo was pretty good memo from the standpoint that he talked, I guess, I didn’t see it yet.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

With Or Without?

Photo: © Stan Banos

I think a lotta people thought that everyone staying at home would open up a slew of apocalyptic, end of the world photo ops. Who doesn't love eerie, isolation themed, big city vistas?  And in some cases, it has generated just that. But for the most part, empty streets pretty much depict... empty streets- the fewer people out there, the fewer opportunities to document instances that are  truly memorable.

When I saw this particular piece of graffiti,* I immediately thought possible photo op. So I set about framing it from several vantage points, and just as I found the spot and was about to press the shutter, I noticed the person pictured about to enter the frame. The human element can so often be the one deciding element that can make or break a photo, the icing on the cake that can make it rise from mediocre, to exceptional. And these days when people are a particularly scarce commodity on the street, I bided my time, counted my blessings, and pressed the shutter when I thought most opportune... Got it!

Fortunately, with a few years of experience under my belt, I then proceeded to take the shot I was originally attracted to, just-in-case. And good thing too- instead of being the icing on the cake, the human element in this particular composition is extraneous, unnecessary- a distraction from the the main subject. It also seems that one of the most popular 'street photography' memes these days is: find a sign, wait for a person to walk by and... Voila- Instant, genuine, bonafide 'street photograph' extraordinaire... a veritable formula of mediocre photographic repetitiveness. And that's not to say that the human free photo pictured here is all that, but it is the better of the two!

Of course, if I was Paul Graham, I wouldn't have had  to choose between the two. Rather, I would just print them as a diptych- and let the critics ooh and ahh about the 'genius' of depicting the passage of time...
*When we usually think of those "maintaining order," we think of those on top who suppress those beneath- not those of us unattuned and unconcerned who allow it to occur daily.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020