Monday, April 27, 2020

Don't Know About You...

Photo: © Stan Banos

But this shelter in place, self quarantine, call it what you will social isolation with no way out is getting way old, way fast...

Now, I'm not exactly a yahoo Trumpazoid, but we are going to eventually resort to some modicum of modified "normalcy." Ideally, we should have all been tested by now, but almost two months later that is not to be, and no one's, as of yet, naming dates. I've been lucky throughout this: not dead (or lost anyone near and dear), or even sick (far as I know)- and am still on salary. Others have been nowhere near as lucky, and if not hurting health wise, are in dire danger economically. We can't hunker down indefinitely trying to ride hide this out- and what of the possible second and/or third wave of virus?

The problem is, of course, that NO ONE knows exactly what to do- no one alive has been through this before. And it hasn't helped that we have a bumbling, self sabotaging, pompous fool of a wannabe leader who dropped the ball long before the game even began, and has yet to find it.

So yes, careful and cautious we must remain- but we must also start to prepare and ready our resurgence, if only in dribs and drabs where least affected. I'm not for opening every casino, tattoo parlor and nail salon, but we do need to judiciously reemerge from our bunkers and unto the light. Science and government can and should lead the way, restrictions need to be incorporated and enforced. But right now... we need a game plan! We need some vision of a way forward- guidelines, benchmarks... something! 

Trump got rid of our Pandemic Response Team, he has quickly backtracked, denying he did any such thing- but his overall policy is simple enough... if it's not a moneymaker, get rid of it! That is not government, that is penny wise, pound foolish Economics 101. This is when a responsible government grabs the reins, shows the way, and leads! So far we the people have been pretty compliant and cooperative, but without a tentative strategy at the very least, without that carrot at the end of a stick showing a way out- people are going to start resorting to their own stop gap measures. And that's always been a pretty virulent virus of concern...

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