Tuesday, April 21, 2020

$32Million Per Hour, Per Year!

Photo: © Stan Banos

Well, who knew? Talk about fun facts

So when you go about your daily life in these semi-United States (both now and post pandemic) wondering why: our roads and bridges are falling apart, our schools so bad and colleges unaffordable, our doctors and hospitals lacking basic essentials, our citizens so often lacking proper, life supporting health care or somnambulating homeless throughout our streets... 

Now, you will no longer have to burden yourself with that ever so perplexing question as to why any and all of those things (and countless more) continue to perplex and burden us all! And not to worry- all will be properly redistributed and funded once the masks all come off. No doubt! Now, isn't that... "liberating?"


  1. Vieo doesn't play in Canada. Bummer.

  2. If I could remember to spell check. duh. Anyway tried a TOR browser as well and still no dice.

  3. The 2nd link is for Edwin Starr's definitive 1970 release "War (What Is It Good For?)"
