Seeing a UFO flying about would pretty much freak me the F out- but... digging one up?
Sure... can you prove it? 'Course not! Bob Lazar was a physicist who worked at S4- the super secret facility, adjacent to not so secret anymore Area 51, where they keep the... really-good-stuff. When employees at Area 51 say they don't know nothing about no alien shit- they ain't lyin'! Ol' Bob was fired for not following security protocol, and they've made his existence a living hell since: threats on his life, regular raids on his home, erasure of his public records to make him out a liar (records since discovered by journalist George Knapp, sync with everything Lazar has claimed about himself).
How 'bout one 4X the size of an aircraft carrier (also being tracked on ground radar)- right next to ya... in a 747? Remember this one on network news back in the eighties! The pilot was a well respected aviator in Japan.