Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fuck Trump, Fuck Q, Fuck Republicans...

I'm long sick and tired of hearing about the breakdown in civility that has beset US politics as if it's some even handed, tit for tat problem on both sides of our ruling parties. STOP THE BULLSHIT! This current ongoing violence, racism and insanity was initiated, amplified and propagated by a career criminal who if the media had done their job and exposed him for what he has always been, would have never been allowed to run for the highest office in the land- a career grifter who should have been indicted long before he reveled in and fomented violence at his own rallies, and across our entire nation. A man who in turn has attracted and encouraged the craziest, most ignorant bottom feeders once thought no longer part of civilized society. A man who insisted that windmills cause cancer, who was actually allowed to change the course of a hurricane with the swipe of a Sharpie- a man who should have been determined mentally unfit, unsound and incompetent for the presidency the very moment he continued to insist that he had more people at his inauguration than Obama, despite obvious and overwhelming evidence otherwise. He has championed grade school name calling and taunting, proclaimed rumor and innuendo equivalent to fact ("That's what I hear, that's what they say"), in addition to mocking people with disabilities to the delight of his crowd. And I haven't even mentioned the damage he has incurred upon our democracy, its institutions and its very wellbeing and future- from weaponizing the DOJ and extorting heads of state and state election officials alike, to stacking the Supreme Court with the most woefully sorry of partisan buffoons.

We now live in a country where Republicans are free to say (and believe) that Democrats regularly groom children to rape and drink their blood. Claiming Trump really won the election is pretty small potatoes after that- even if their very own audit found more votes for... Biden; even after his cronies stated (well before the election) that the plan all along was to declare victory no matter what, even though he's on tape begging, pleading, demanding to be given 11,000 unearned votes!

Is it any surprise, any wonder, any shock to hear that a Republican Governor of The United States of America finds humor in the attempted assassination of the Speaker of the House, of the brutal attack of her husband? This is where we are, and this is but the very smallest synopsis of how we all got there. Democrats, as usual, have allowed themselves to be bullied, thinking that providence itself would somehow, someway right their listing ship back into sanity, fair play and the rule of law. Meanwhile, the January 6th Committee has singularly attempted to slam the brakes on a runaway freight train that has long ago breached the event horizon... 

So yeah- Fuck Trump, Fuck Q, Fuck Republicans! Childish, I know. But when you live in a time that has Trump supporters actually showing up to witness a reanimated JFK, Jr. resurrect and triumphantly lead Trump back into the White House, when we have allowed rabid election deniers to man key positions in determining the official vote counts in key swing states... sometimes, it seems about all one's left.