Thursday, March 2, 2023

Speak English!

Isn't that what you hear Xenophobes across this nation of 'Merika so often yell at all the goddang foreigners invading our shores "from sea to... shiny sea?" Well, if this person was the least bit familiar with the English language, she'd know what an absolute fool she just made of herself. But this, after all, is that person known, applauded and elected to continually make a fool of herself, without shame, self awareness or any understanding of the language she so professes to love and demean. Yes, we're talking none other than Gazpacho Police Girl!

And her latest vitriolic attack, which explodes in her face as soon as she mouths the very words that scream her ignorance to all but herself, is but the latest exercise in her commitment to linguistic genocide! 

Intelligence has its limits, while stupidity has none.   -Claude Chabrol

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