Considered and tried to navigate most, if not all, of these throughout my life.
Think I'm fairly decent on half, the other...
Sunday, December 31, 2023
I've actually asked...
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Interview With A Scientist
This is Professor Garry Nolan- legit, BIG Time scientist (Nobel Prize nominee and "Experiencer"). He is neither a "Ufologist," nor someone who runs from the topic or the challenge. In other words, he's a true scientist, skeptical, but eternally curious; he seeks to engage the unknown with science- as any good reputable scientist should and unfortunately doesn't, or can't (lest they lose their... credibility- ie funding).
Yeah, That About Covers It!
Very Senior Trump Official Said...
"He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law."
Monday, December 25, 2023
Gotta admit, I was kinda on the fence about this whole AI thing- no longer, my friend! Anything that can create this dream nightmare, horror homage of fun has my admittedly meaningless full approval!
Thursday, December 21, 2023
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Tourists posing and celebrating on 6/2023 at monument of death and avarice. Photo: © Stan Banos |
I must admit, I'm kinda obsessed with... The Vessel! The ultra gaudy, $200 million 'art' monument to suicide and man's narcissistic indifference that has been indefinitely closed since summer of 2021. Its ultimate outcome has yet to be decided (far as I know)- though I can't imagine it will get to forever flaunt its legacy of infamy center stage. When I last visited it's vacant, ever winding series of stairways in NYC this June, it seemed the ultimate monument to irony, the circular pathway to nowhere that can no longer be trod by anyone at any price. Said stairs are blocked, locked and secured; no one is getting inside or upside the Vessel proper- and still, no one knows what to do, other than wish they had never risen to the level it never achieved.
Actually, my 'obsession' is a healthy diversion to everything else that is happening throughout the world- politically, socially, environmentally. In a word, it's... not good; people throughout the world seem more divided than ever, very much as we started the previous century- and we all know how well that worked out and unraveled. And yet, here we go all over again, many of us looking no less... to strongmen, and wannabe strongmen for answers, safety and security- as if we've learned nothing, nothing at all in the previous hundred years. All this occurring as we plunge full steam ahead into a 3 degree Celcius increase (kiss 1.5... Goodbye!) in temperature worldwide, continuing a record setting two decades of unprecedented, unabated, man made global warming culminating in the warmest year on record- 2023! And all the while, we continue to discuss all the things we know we should be doing- while continuing to burn ever increasing amounts of fossil fuels!
Did I mention that there'll be more plastic (by weight) than fish in the oceans by 2050? So yeah, best keep those higher level Vessel stairs closed up tight- and in the meantime...
Monday, December 18, 2023
Friday, December 15, 2023
Is there some magic number here? How many more children must be slaughtered and dismembered? When will the blood lust be sated? Israel is out to teach Hamas a lesson- and in doing so, are teaching the entire world, in no uncertain terms, that they are every bit as "savage" as those they accuse...
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Lying By Omission
I hesitate posting this simply because, as I previously stated, I don't want to get into a tit for tat, back and forth about who's the worst player, the biggest abuser in the never ending see/saw of bloodshed that is the Middle East. I also said that there was no doubt as to who gets the short end of the stick as far as news coverage bias in the US of A (and Congressional financial and rhetorical support takes that to a whole 'nother level). But as to the media, these two little known and vastly underreported facts are definitely of public interest and emblematic of the ongoing lack of parity.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
To Be Extolled W/O Criticism
Recently had the opportunity to observe Wolfgang Tillman: To Look Without Fear on a freebie night at SFMOMA. It was a smorgasbord of photographic styles, subjects and presentations: From straightforward portraits to completely abstract images (yours truly had no idea if several of the latter were even photographs- they sure didn't look it), from 3X5 drugstore prints casually taped all about, to imposing mural sized prints that dominated museum sized walls.
I honestly don't know what Mr. Tillman is about, he doesn't seem to care much about 'complex' photographic compositions whether in portraiture, landscape or photojournalism mode, and seems to practice an outsider artist approach to photography. Of course, he could be operating on a level far beyond my mortal ken, after all he is a world renowned, internationally acclaimed artist, and I'm someone barely known outside the realm of this narrowly read blog. Yeah, slight imbalance there, I know...
As I wandered throughout the ginormous museum rooms, appreciating but a handful of images, one thought kept running through my mind- one could create countless similar type exhibits of just about any photographer's work by simply hanging a vast assortment of their work prints, final prints and everything in between created during the part of their career where they desperately explored and attempted to find their own style. Most photographers, after many hapless starts and stops throughout the years, eventually end up honing and refining an individual style or approach suitable for certain content or particular subject matter. The greats become masters of their domain: in studio, on the streets, in the field. Tillman seems to be content at being a jack of all trades and master of none- but unlike so many of the countless minions of the aforementioned forever populating both art and history... he's become extremely successful at it!
Monday, December 4, 2023
Go Prank Yourself
I liked (and did) a lotta dumb, stupid things when I was young. Another term for youth is, after all- "temporary insanity," and some (like myself) were more prone to it than others. In the subsequent years since, I've managed to cut down on both the frequency and severity of such actions, many of which were, in fact, done for laughs.
Now, some may say this is a contemporary phenomena (ie- social media), but I fail to get this whole staged prank BS- maybe, just maybe, because it so drastically fails at achieving its main objective... being funny! Instead, you're just left shaking your head at: how stupid the person is doing it, how stupid the people are who 'appreciate' it, and how vile the venue and support system is that promotes it. And the main venue would, of course, be Tik- Tok. I waste enough time on the internet, often trying to desperately validate said time in a futile attempt to prove I'm not, in fact, wasting it- by trying to find some hidden diamond in the rough...
This, however, blatantly demonstrates how instead of finding that diamond, you are more often than not, more liable to just keep finding lower (and lower) quality coal. This person has... 1.5 million followers. And I'm not saying all this just to be holier than thou- cause a large part of it is saying, there but for the grace of god...
Don't forget to like and subscribe!
Friday, December 1, 2023
The Never Ending Whirlpool of Deceit
"Ever wonder what living under fascism is like?" The aforementioned graffiti (pre 2020), was followed by: "you're living it." Bill Maher (who I definitely don't walk in lockstep with) has predicted a Trump victory in 2024- and we all laughed (dismissively) when he said that Trump wouldn't leave the White House voluntarily in 2020, under any circumstances...
Well, insane as it may be (and there is no "may" about it)- despite the 91 indictments, despite the call(s) to insurrection and blatant criminality of those around him, Trump may actually once again be POTUS- after already proclaiming this his "Retribution" tour whereupon he and his cronies will proceed to dismantle the Constitution as they see fit once reseated in the throne of his making ...
And, of course, this disruptor of all things sane and just does not operate in a vacuum. He has his loyal acolytes, eg- The Crazy Twins, each one more crazed, ignorant and belligerent than the other (although granted, their sheer, blatant stupidity is at times a perverse beauty unto itself)! And the fact that they go outta their way to openly display their disdain of each other, almost upends their maniacal hatred of all things Democrat. Of course, they are far from the only fervent cult Trump acolytes in Congress or government- while others respectfully (ie- fearfully) bend the knee to Orange Jesus in abject terror for themselves and family.
But the never ending whirlpool of lies, insanity and personal attacks serve their purpose: