Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Photo: © Stan Banos 

(Sometimes) ya just have to let loose of all the high falutin', grandiose art expectations in your photographic machinations and embrace the age old, proven simplicity of the good ol' American snapshot! Nothing wrong with it. Your down home vernacular snapshot of the ordinary neighbor next door- the banker, tailor, candlestick maker. Relax, unwind and just enjoy a shared moment. It may not end up in your museum retro, but it may just become its own life long memory that will forever bring a smile to your face, and that of the viewer... 


  1. I'm not a prude and I certainly support the right to do whatever two consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their own home/ hotel room/ trailer/ car etc. Or if you are just enjoying yourself solo, again in private. But these guys are just sick. Yes I am being judgmental but you and I who both have experience dealing with people on various spectrums know this is just not normal behaviour. It's not the get-up, just literally the "stick in your face" nature of it..

    Is it art? Well I am sure a lot of what Diane Arbus captured horrified some folks and it eventually was considered "art". So keep recording these guys, who knows you might become famous in your nineties.

    Your book could be called Penis Envy lol.


    1. I'm kinda leaning to "Famous At 90."

      I've been going to these things for ten years now (fully clothed, btw), and with 12 yrs of Catholic schooling, there ain't one time when I don't think there might be some less than errant lighting bolt coming my direction as I attempt my departure. Did I really see, all I saw? You don't really expect to just leave... unpunished?!? But gee lord, I was just taking pictures, is all- and if ya punish me, uhmmm... wouldn't ya just be kinda playing into their world?

      Hey, I'm just practicing everyday 'street photography' norms and aesthetics in a uniquely, non generic street fair. That said, the photo above is very much the exception to the rule. I almost disregarded it; I have a real dislike of happy, smiling people photos- and yet, I couldn't get over the guy standing there happy as pie, confident yet casual as could be, like he just won Best in Show!
