Thursday, October 18, 2018

It Just Never Stops... EVER!!!

Yeah, it's been going on for years, decades... longer than I've been alive. But then the frequency and frivolity really got outta hand until it's become almost (almost) "comical." White folk going completely outta their ever lovin' way to get in other people's (ie- those considerably darker) business for no real, rational, discernible reason. As if unjustified police shootings and racially biased voter suppression still isn't enough...

All 1- 2- 3- 4 of these racially biased latest examples happened within-a-period-of-a-week!


  1. I have to admit I am getting just a little tired of all this white bashing. When does it cross the line into something very similar to what you are complaining about? Sure there is a percentage of white folk who are just plain crazy ass racist. Even more are just stupid. And then there are those that see everything changing around them and are scared of the unknown and cope with it in destructive ways. That can also be said for any culture or race. This constant harping might make you feel good and allows you to vent but if you want change maybe there is a more constructive approach. Just saying.

    Peace and love,


  2. Fair enough- and thanks for the comment...

    Right now, so many of us are just talking at each other- and not listening... racially and politically. We really do need to talk to and with each other across the divide. The thing is, most people of color are willing to have that conversation, and way too many White folk will avoid it- at any, and all cost! They simply do-NOT-want-to-go-there. And that is indeed, unfortunate. And I think it's because there is a certain undeniable history that they simply do not want to honestly confront, let alone acknowledge and own...

    Is that to say that people of color don't commit heinous crimes out of bigoted hatred- certainly not! But since racism is a social construct based on an overriding system of power, I also think it's appropriate to delineate it from the resulting bigotry it begets from the aggrieved side. And no doubt- my heart goes out to the one side most wronged and most powerless throughout our history.

    Just yesterday a White person on Ryan Air refused to sit next to a 90 yr old Black woman- I won't repeat the names he called her. What happened? They moved... her seat! And there is no question that racists now feel emboldened to think and do whatever they feel in The Era of Trump.

    Again, I condemn any and all incidents of bigoted/racial animosity. And I'm gonna make the wild assumption that I've mostly written about, and praised... White people on this blog over the years- photographers and "civilians" alike. At times I've also done my best to initiate said conversation as best I can- and usually one doesn't get a response... unless provoked.
