Thursday, January 3, 2019

But How Can They Keep It Secret!?!?

What better way to start the new year than... UFO's! And one of the first things people will challenge you on (after they've finished laughing at you- and laughing some more) is... How can they keep something that BIG, secret for so... long? I mean, c'mon, everybody and their mama leaks!

Well, you just very actively (albeit unknowingly) participated in one of the core levels of maintaining said secrecy- the very level of ridicule and humiliation they have honed and disseminated to the point where it is now voluntary, enthusiastically and automatically practiced by a large portion of the public. Most people don't want to be laughed at as the tin foil, hat wearing believer of little green men... And More Importantly- some people just don't want to lose their jobs!

Seriously? That's All ya got? 

I suppose you want: a highly detailed, step by step breakdown of how our government can impose and sustain such a high level of secrecy on what is literally The-Biggest-Secret of all time- complete with names, dates and documentation...

Fine, how much time ya got? One can start (below) with the 4 hour condensed answer to all the above. Now some of you won't spare that time, you got bigger fish to fry, besides it's crazy, it's-all-made-up... Understood. And some will still refuse to consider it, even if they watch every second of it- their worldview will simply not allow it. Just as some to this day, simply refuse to believe this government program... Fortunately, I feel pretty comfortable in the quality of company I keep, eg- astronauts, commercial and military pilots, astrophysicists, radar operators, police officers, military personnel and other trained observers...


PS- Also included above, interesting and long rumored anecdote concerning Dr. Carl "The Cosmos" Sagan's UFO debunking origins- confirmed by named source in the astronomy community. Yeah, I could tell ya exactly where in the video, but what fun would that be?


  1. I've known about Greer for years. In fact, some people have accused him of being part of the disinformation campaign regarding extraterrestrials. Indeed, it seems Greer's entire reason for being is to traipse around the country and lisp that we have nothing to worry about from ET, that they have nothing but the most benign of intentions toward humans. Well, I can think of multiple instances off the top of my head that shows ET isn't always so benign.

  2. I'm aware of said criticism, as well as the territorial infighting within the UFO "community" itself. There are those who believe they're heaven sent, as well as those who believe they are evil incarnate. I take all this information with the proverbial grain of salt, and tend to favor those (like Whitley Strieber and Dr. Jacques Vallee) who have experienced/researched this phenomena extensively and conclude that... they really don't know what the hell they are, where they come from or what they're really doing. One thing is sure- they have the means and technology to destroy us on any given day, and choose not to do so.

    As for Dr. Greer, again, I don't swear by everything he says hook, line and sinker- but he has done some of the most thorough and insightful research into the governmental and black ops security apparatus that controls our "official" interaction with said beings.
