Sunday, January 6, 2019

Even A Genius Can Be Dumb As Shit!

James Watson was one of three scientists awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the Double Helix structure* that contains our genetic information (ie- DNA). But I was watching Decoding Watson mainly to find out just what kind of man, and racist he is. Is he a full throttle Alt-Right White Nationalist, or more your casual, all around good ol' boy? Well, the first seventy minutes is spent fleshing out a rather likable and amusing contrarian of a persona- it took the last twenty minutes to find out that he was indeed the latter version. But here's the thing- this brilliant and innovative thinker, who pledges his heart, soul and mind to science writ large has no problem thinking Blacks (and I kinda doubt he'd hesitate throwing in your "Browns") intellectually inferior simply because... that's just the way things are!

Yup, this great "scientific mind," who lives and dies by the scientific principle, has no problem stating that if you need actual definitive "proof" as to the intellectual inferiority of Blacks- "just ask any employer." Unquestionable, irrefutable, incontrovertible evidence par excellence! And yeah, it's in their genes, and uhhhh.... IQ tests too.

It doesn't matter that there is NO definitive scientific research or study anywhere that "proves" that any "race" is genetically inferior, or superior in regards to intelligence. And no, The Bell Curve didn't come anywhere near the general orbit of "science." As a geneticist, Watson refuses to consider the role of nurture or environment, forget about considering how obviously polarized Black and White communities are in America. Can you imagine Dr. Watson's IQ score on a test biased towards the lexicon and societal norms of inner city USA? Can you imagine Dr. Watson's IQ score had he been raised in your typical US inner city environment consisting of a home: often on or adjacent to a toxic, polluted, land fill or active industry; built with toxic, dilapidated building materials; in the middle of a healthy food desert; surrounded by inadequate/non-existent health care, substandard schools and near zero employment/economic opportunities? No, neither can Dr. Watson, the very thought of which has never entered his pristine genius of a mind... that's just the way things are.

*It should have been shared with yet a fourth person- it was her remarkable catalyst of a contribution that made possible their very breakthrough (but, ya know... a woman).


  1. You don't have to look very hard to find racist people, of any colour.

  2. It may be splitting hairs, but... if you're at the bottom of society's racist construct- the "natural" reaction from those at that most unenviable position would be to hate your oppressor. I wouldn't call that "racism," bigotry perhaps, but well earned at that. That said, yes, people always find ways to separate themselves from "the other."

  3. Agree Stan, reactionary bigotry or prejudice from people of color is in no way the same as white racism. You may feel that it is (speaking to Eric), but I would like you to ask yourself this question. In what way can a community of people of color, let's say African Americans negatively affect your way of life, now when I say way of life, I mean how can black people or the black community stop you for example from getting a job, getting a loan from a bank, passing laws to restrict where you live or splitting your community up to lessen or even negate your voting power. The black community does not have that amount of political or economical power, that power structure, that's essential to racism. Like our Dr Watson here, educators that believe that black and brown children have lower IQs, can place them in remedial classes in schools and place them behind in their education development for years, even decades (this example happens quite a bit btw).

  4. Yeah, not always easy to love, forgive or even coexist with those whose heels rest upon your throat. Not to mention- the amount of self hatred it creates and unleashes within those communities.

    And as someone who's taught in more than one inner city, don't get me started...
