Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Revenge Of The Pangolins!?

Good on them! China has been slaughtering these poor wee creatures, as well as encouraging other countries to do so by the hundreds of thousands- as if mutilating and killing sharks by the millions just for their fins each and every year just wasn't enough! Oh, and let's not forget the fine job they're doing decimating African elephants...

For the record, this is not some jingoistic anti-Chinese rant; this is aimed at a country's government that has some good laws on the books concerning these very matters- but is choosing not to effectively enforce them! And laws are only as good as their enforcement.

PS-  A spike in epidemics and pandemics are but one of the consequences predicted by climate change, along with increased: droughts, famines, fires, storm ferocity and global wars/conflicts due to decrease of land mass caused by sea rise...

This virus which has set the whole world afire is but a wee peek of much grander things to come in... Future World! Imagine when all the above is happening concurrently- fun times ahead!


  1. In other news, your city's now under lockdown.

  2. Thanks for the tip! Although many stores, businesses, etc are closed, denizens of SF are, in fact, free to walk, run and scurry about...

    1. The SF Police Dept. today said that doing so, being outside engaging in non-essential activities, is a misdemeanor.

  3. If anything's changed I'll find out today when I go tend to a client with disabilities, in the meantime:
