Friday, March 20, 2020

Ticked Off Yet!?

           Photo: © Stan Banos

Well, we all have a little more time to stay home and stew a bit now, so let's not waste the opportunity... cause I'm sure this ain't gonna end anytime soon, and there'll certainly be more on the way...

 I don't take responsibility at all.     -DJ Trump

Gotta give the guy credit- the ultimate slap back... when they let you get away with it! 

Enjoying the (lack of) leadership seesaw? After down playing 'the Democratic hoax' for weeks, and reassuring us that "Some people get better just by sitting around," we are now corrected that he "always knew it was a pandemic," nevertheless, everything is on the mend. Yesterday, Trump stated that the drug chloroquine was approved for usage against the Corona virus... it-is-not! Anyway, seriously, what does it all matter when...

"It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear.

Maybe, just maybe, as the economy tanks and people around them start to die, the veil will start to rise even among his hard core supporters, and they'll begin to realize that they're being led by the nose by an utter buffoon- or they'll just continue to pass the blame unto someone else as does he till the bitter end...

Speaking of which... the vast majority of people seem to think this is some freak one-off that will dissipate in due time; once again, they're not connecting the dots and realizing that this is what happens when you continue to give Mother Nature the big middle finger each and every damn day. Decades from now when climate change is in full swing this will be remembered as that quaint respite of a warning, back in the day when we could all relax at home with only one world wide catastrophe to deal with...

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