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Photo: © Stan Banos |
The singular Nightmare may be over, but the terror still remains... Trump's racists tools and outright fools who value feeling over reality are still very much amongst us- and they're ticked off, well armed and crazy as hell. Trump has fueled their dormant outrage and lust for wishful thinking into a frenzy for four long years, and they ain't going back into dormancy until he admits he... LOST- and he ain't ever doing that! Hardcore Fundamentalists do not voluntarily join the family of man and they're gonna be out there for quite some time, hundreds of Timothy McVeigh Wannabes- plotting and scheming to overthrow... or kill as many as possible in their dementedly triumphant death throes.
How did we arrive here, how did we achieve this pinnacle of insanity- how did we get to the very point where facts are interchangeable and reality a voluntary elective? We were told to beware and fear the long haired, Leftist freaks and Commies- surely they would be the death of us all! Who believes or even remembers that now?
YO, QANON!?! You wanna conspiracy? How 'bout one where our own govmint tried to purposely dumb us all down to shit- to the point where so many would actually believe the insane inanities you espouse? One that trashed our Public School system once all them Blacks got in, chucked tuition free university systems, fed us mindless infotainment, denied us a living wage, and made it impossible for lower middle class families to survive without a multitude of concurrent jobs? A Right Wing Conspiracy that dumbed us down to a nether world where "alternative facts" and wishful thinking could surpass reality itself!
When Reagan came, he was not only free to label ketchup a vegetable, he could already appoint heads of government committees those very people that had pledged their entire careers to the destruction of said committees! When W brought in fellow Evangelicals to elect dad, even Arch Conservative of Conservatives, none other than Barry Freakin' Goldwater himself was looking around wondering who all the speaking in tongues crazies were that had infiltrated his Grand Ole Party. And by the time we got to W himself, well, he declared war on someone who had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11- and we all stood up and... CHEERED!!!
Yeah, we fell for it hook, line and sinker! Cause we were already that freakin' DUMB. We had a dumber than dirt POTUS who cost us a few thousand American lives, a few hundred thousand innocent civilian Iraqi lives, and a coupla cool trillion dollars that helped launch this country into economic free fall...
We had finally reached rock bottom basement; but wait, wait... there's more! After all, "Intelligence has its limits, while stupidity has none." After we got some Black dude to save our economic ass, then sent him packing back to Kenya (where he was born), we got serious yet again, showed what we had really become and what we could really achieve by getting back on track and digging up the brand new sub basement to end all Presidential sub basements- The Honorable Combover Don!
In a matter of a few decades we managed to successfully trash a nation that reached for (and touched) the moon and firmly grounded it in the filth of its own duplicitous lies, self deception and greed. And we ain't finished yet, uh-uh, we're gonna keep digging, keep sabotaging that foundation till this whole grand experiment comes tumblin' on down. Only then will we all be truly free to revel in our fave conspiracy, blame our choicest minorities, fondle our favorite firearm, and claim- Victory! Same as it ever was...
PS- Oh yeah, and Dems cried foul, and went in for the ride...
If America isn't an ongoing commercial for the necessity of alien invasion and occupation, nothing is.