Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It's Back!

Pier 24, the bastion of premier photography in San Francisco, will return (as of 7/01). They haven't just returned from Covid... they had a nasty, drawn out mano a mano with the city of San Francisco itself on whether they were even going to be permitted to return... period. Seems SF was asking for significantly more rent, said it was part of their initial agreement- yada, yada, yada... Now I don't exactly have a deep history of siding with rich fucks like Pier 24 operator Andy Pilara, but the guy did pour in his own millions to repair, renovate and maintain the place at a cost of nada to the public (appointment only admission is free). For months, I kept looking fruitlessly for updates... but it looks like everyone has finally made nice and "the world's largest space dedicated to photography" is set to reopen!  

Actually, I've usually seen most of the work they exhibit there at other venues on multiple occasions- it's a kinda "Greatest Hits" album in perpetuity. But the venue is so grand, the atmosphere so contemplative- it's the long, long, long... awaited return of a recurring reunion with the best of the best that first awed you into appreciation, then inspired you to create your own...

And after what we've all been through, couldn't come at a better time- appointment set, anticipation rising.

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