“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen.” -DJ Trump
Cause Repubs are All About... The Constitution!
“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen.” -DJ Trump
Cause Repubs are All About... The Constitution!
The thing is, this medium sized package is a whole lotta bag for $20. Well constructed, well padded and pockets and sleeves galore to stick in iPads, water bottles and innumerable small accessories- the camera/lens compartment is actually detachable as a padded and self contained, zippered unit! In fact, my only complaint is that it's perhaps a little too well constructed for protection, at the cost of room for an extra (or larger) lens or body. But for that price- go cry on someone else's shoulder! Did I mention the handy-dandy top zipper that lets you dive into the main contents without undoing the top cover? Nice. And I've currently taken the separate camera compartment out and use it as an excellent day bag...
PS- As with any Amazon purchase- I'm torn between saving $$$ (if I'm honest), and supporting one of the few venues for readily available, if stupefyingly petty, sources of employment in the US of A. Why does the richest bastard in the world insist on being the biggest fucking miser in the world?* Why can't he treat his workers in a humane fashion, instead of as non-biological androids? Even Henry Ford made his workers feel as if they were, at the very least, needed. Bezos can more than afford: decent bathroom and lunch breaks, workers benefits, health care and... unionization!
BTW- Why did workers recently lose a Unionization vote? Because even if one ignores the behind the scenes shenanigans with worker intimidation... turnover is so fucking high at Amazon that by the time they're finally set to vote, the people who originally organized and set things in motion, have already long burned out and left!
* Yeah, I know- I answered my own question.
A very much needed and yet still understated bit of emphasis towards the end. And 99.99% of Republicans will deny, obfuscate and yada, yada and... yada!
Is it honest? Hell no! Is it any better or worse than Eugene's slight of hand? Hhmmm... I just don't understand why they didn't just say that they used AI on three different instances and provide transcripts of those instances at the end. Problem solved, if ya ask me- not that...
MAGA folk have yet to realize that the more of them that don't- the less of them there are...
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Snapshot of the foraging herd! Photo: © Stan Banos |
I live on the outskirts of downtown San Francisco now, and one of my usual cruise patterns has me going from South Park,* past the entrance to the Bay Bridge and on to the Embarcadero, where I usually purchase a loaf of any of a variety of delicious ACME breads at the Ferry Building. It's but one of my well established routines that also contains Pier 24. Now on this particular weekend afternoon, I almost swallowed my stogie whole as I casually glanced to my left and saw the side of the on ramp swarming with... GOATS! What the?!?
But there they were, buzzing about the incline doing their thing, musta been around a hundred of the critters- I kid you not! I just stood there, gobsmacked, mouth agape... Eventually, I gathered myself and proceeded with my daily constitutional (if only every promenade was so delightfully interrupted) and noticed an animal transport truck and police car at the entrance to the fenced off area. The scene was calm, the police not even visible, so I surmised the herd had been brought in to ingest the debris strewn hay and grasses that accumulates around said on ramp to reduce the possibility of it igniting during our ever expanding fire season- certainly can't mow something that steep and irregular, and a prescribed burn... don't think so.
*Yes, a real place, not a cartoon! It's a lovely little 'park' nestled amidst the surrounding industrial gridlock that had a real forgotten by time, Victorian feel to it- unfortunately, it was modernized of late and a cement sidewalk was routed through the middle of it! Still nice, but...
I don't see what the problem is here- I mean... I live in CA and I'm still gonna vote for him!!!
Still doesn't beat the 1/06 insurrectionist who thought he was at... The White House!
I have two near and dear friends who are vehement, rabid anti-maskers/vaxxers. And let's be clear- they're not Trump supporters. One is a vegetarian, one a vegan- so you see where this is headed... both believe that a strong immune system is the key. And frankly, I wanna believe that- I really do! There's just one little itty, bitty problem...
There are a group of people who for centuries lived 100% organic lives, healthy, active lives since their very existence, not as a voluntary lifestyle, but outta necessity, simple survival... Native Americans, American Indians, First Peoples. All as healthy as could be, until the White man came along with a host of viruses their robust immune systems simply had no defenses for- and they died by the tens of thousands.
Now, for the sake of argument, let's say that these modern day, immunity proponents have figured out some vitamin, mineral, food supplement/diet that can suppress, ward off, even kill the Covid 19 virus. How long will fickle willed Americans adhere to this magical formula- months... years? And how about the rest of the world- how are vast impoverished parts of South America, Asia, Africa, etc going to obtain and sustain the life giving, magic ingredients? If only we had a simple, quick and easy, one-two solution that would let us get on with our lives...
But... don't you see the political aspects, the government control that our one world overlords are forcing upon us? Funny how these same people don't have any qualms whatsoever about volunteering the most intimate aspects of their lives to their Smart devices and online social media that have already collected their entire life histories for government inspection. Do you really think they actually need to go through all the trouble of creating such an elaborate hoax- that will ultimately rely on voluntary public compliance to succeed when they can't even get most people to vote? These days though, logic is not logical and brand trumps science!
But you don't have to take my word on this- let this expert explain in no uncertain terms:
Well, well, well... How are Dems gonna talk and weasel their way outta this one.. Hhmmm?
At first there was some reason for hope, Republicans seemed to sense the public's conception of their complicity in the blatant, all out attack on our nation's Capitol building, and the police and legislators within. They oh so, very temporarily seemed to realize the inherent hypocrisy of their law and order platform as their most ardent supporters attacked, pummeled and hospitalized police as they interrupted and sought to overturn our republic's democratic process. They uhhh... also sought to kill the Speaker of the House and Vice President, after 45's rousing go get 'em speech.
That hope dissipated as Trump's undeterred loyalists hang on to every ludicrous, fallacious audacity imaginable... from a lawyer, whose very own lawyer said you'd have to be outta ya ever lovin' mind to believe anything that comes outta her mouth, to Trump's own personal lawyer (one of legions he's since distanced himself from) Rootin' Tootin' Rudy, who when asked by a federal judge if he had any of the mountain chains of "evidence" that he declared proved the election a fraud, demurely replied, “This is not a fraud case.” Of course, at that point sanity would have demanded... then what the fuck is this shit about!?!
But it hasn't stopped there- one level of insanity begets another in Trumpland! Not satisfied with eviscerating voting rights laws, they are now actually trying to overturn repeatedly proven legal voter audits with their own extrajudicial fraudits. And with all their sensationalist claims of Democratic voter fraud- the only only proven case has been... a Republican Trump supporter!
But these anti-democratic, pro-Fascist practices don't stop with voter suppression and manipulation. Two bit, White Nationalist, Brown Shirt Replicants are now marching throughout America in Trump's name as Q-ANON reminds us that Democrats drink babies' blood. And his cultists continue to attack Biden as senile- while conveniently ignoring their leader's own blatant dementia! Our former "Law and Auto" POTUS (see below, 5:50) could not remember "the brave man from Ohio who went to a plant..." Went to a... wha (4:12)?!? And then, relying on his trusty Con Man instincts went on to work the crowd to try and solicit the name he could not for his life remember (Neil Armstrong) like a magician asking for a volunteer from the audience! This is the man who more than once, suggested neutralizing hurricanes with a nuclear device and ingesting bleach as a Covid cure- accidental poisonings rose 121% the very next day...
This is the Fascist, racist, con man criminal that 40% of America would love to illegally reinstate as Supreme Leader of The Former United States... And if it doesn't happen by 8/13- there will be (more) blood... Want the game plan?
One of Paul Graham's seminal works, Beyond Caring, has been republished- I caught a glimpse of it the other day at the Leica Gallery in San Francisco and the reproductions looked luscious. I wanted to spend more time with it, but I was approached and advised that they were closing. At first I thought I was just being harassed again... recently I was deemed suspicious (I still got it!) and diligently followed by the security guard at a Container Store- apparently I was gonna jet with a coupla 30x40x20in plastic containers beneath my armpits! But they're (surprisingly?) very polite and courteous at Leica- guess I'm forever scarred from frequenting NYC photo galleries.
Copies of Beyond Caring could be found in every bargain book bin like discarded, overflowing sardines in just about every NYC book store in the eighties and nineties. You could pick one up for about $15 bucks- now they're going for well over... $500, and the reproductions suck next to the new $70 version. Beyond Caring and Troubled Land were Graham's formidable one/two knockout combination that shook the art and documentary worlds to their foundations by the innovative and previously verboten use of... color! It's also nothing short of a minor miracle that his photos are even in focus (not to mention creatively composed- no flippy screen then) since he had to shoot many of his pictures: from the hip, in relatively poor light, and with a medium format camera! And they still retain their raw power, beauty and urgency!
After Troubled Land, Graham feared repeating himself (understandable) and went on to produce more experimental work (to say the least), including a book that consisted solely and completely of close ups of film grain. I-kid-you-not... wouldn't have believed it myself unless I'd seen it with my own two eyes- and someone actually paid to print and publish it!
Charles Bukowski led a colorful, sometimes bleak and pretty anonymous life until fame blessed his latter years. These are but a handful of his pearls of wisdom:
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.*
Writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate, they stop being writers.
In my work, as a writer, I only photograph, in words, what I see.
We're all going to die, all of us; what a circus! That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities. We are eaten up by nothing.
Find what you love and let it kill you.
Beware of those that seek constant crowds; they are nothing alone.
You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time: all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.
People are not good to each other. Perhaps if they were, our deaths would not be so sad.
* Reminds me of the conversation which led John Lennon to his succinct conclusion:
God is a concept by which we measure our pain.