Monday, November 29, 2021

A Most Efficient Blob!

As I've mentioned before, I really like a 'good' camera bag (every bit as subjective as a 'good' camera)- whether it's the latest thing, or something you've cleverly cobbled together from vintage army surplus and modern inserts.

The Wotancraft Pilot 7L is one of the most efficient and practical bags ever! It really is ingeniously designed- and has absolute zero in the looks department. That's not to say it's ugly, Peak Design with its angular moderne aesthetic is ugly. The Pilot is just a neutral, nearly amorphous blob of pragmatic practicality. Easy to access, enlarge, divide and configure. It offers enough room, protection and durability (Cordura) to serve and last for many a photographer's evolving needs. 

Am I putting my money where my mouth is? Nope, already got a bag that is almost as efficient and at a much lower price point (it even looks slightly better), not to mention- my very favorite camera bag.

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