Well, I was gonna expound on my personal (photographic) accomplishments this year of: 2 books, 2 zines, and having one of the above accepted for show- but in all honesty, that all pales to not having stepped in a fresh pile of human excrement in San Francisco! Don't know how I managed to pull that off yet again, but yeah, my proudest accomplishment two years running- although I know the clock is ticking...
There are so many problems in this world at the moment (local and global) that one doesn't know where to start; I try to draw attention to them here on an individual basis throughout the year, but, well, yeah...
And as I've often said before, enjoy this 'respite' while it lasts- before climate change hits the entire planet like the runaway global freight train that we are unabatedly making it. Meanwhile, can't end the old year and start the new on such a dour note, so I'll sign off on this one with well wishes towards all and... someone who does know better- much better. And he's got it down pat, to-the-very-syllable. Why we are, where we are- and there's plenty of blame to go round on all sides: politically, economically, socially.
Every American should hear this, better yet, actually listen...