Thursday, December 9, 2021

The White Sky


Photo: Mimi Plumb

Had a great experience the other day, not only went to an actual in person photo exhibit like in ye olden days- but saw a great exhibit at that! It was Mimi Plumb's The White Sky at The Robert Koch Gallery in San Francisco, and it's the kind of exhibit that makes you fall in love with B&W (film) photography all over again- if not for the very first time in this digital era. And I say the latter since digital B&W is more often than not- one fugly fellow, at least as utilized by most practitioners today; suffice to say, it's complicated. Analog film is where B&W imagery truly shines- and these prints bare testament to that fact... gorgeous, full bodied, dynamic.* A celebration of what B&W film does best by a student of none other than B&W master Henry Wessel. And that technical prowess is only magnified by the aesthetics of Mimi Plumb's contemplative eye.

*And interesting to note- the prints are actually... inkjets!

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