Sunday, April 17, 2022

War Criminals, And... War Criminals

Most rational, civilized people realize Vladimir Putin is a war criminal; a war criminal who starts completely, unnecessary wars that result in untold destruction and the deaths of countless innocent men, women and children. Not exactly a hard call.

And yet, where were all these rational, civilized people throughout the world when it came to George W. Bush starting a completely, unnecessary war that resulted in untold destruction and the deaths of countless innocent men, women and children? A war that was so obviously and transparently fabricated on a swollen mass of lies and innuendo. UN weapons inspectors, in one of the few instances where anyone from the UN actually had the authority, manpower and resources to legitimately achieve their stated goal of determining whether Iraq had WMD or not, were ridiculed daily by the likes of FOX News. The manly voices at FOX (like that of Big Ass Bill O'Reilly) were practically calling the diligent inspectors flaming pansies for being the only people on earth not capable of finding the purposely rumored WMD. These freakin' UN girly girls were actually trying to stop the US of A from getting it's goddamn war on!!! And it only took $2 TRILLION and up to a million deaths to prove otherwise...

Of course, after NO WMD were found, W actually joked about it, pantomiming looking for WMD under furniture- people dying by the hundreds of thousands for-no-goddamn-reason always makes good fodder for jokes. And while the sycophants laughed, the Bill O'Reilly posse of FOX News claimed they couldn't possibly have known there were no WMD, after all- "We were lied to!" Of course, they conveniently left out the part that they constituted the most dominant contingent of... liars.

Now we reminisce about Ol' W like a kindly ol' uncle with his quaint little hobby of painting in his bathtub. Wonder if those who forever lost: children, parents, limbs and minds feel the same?

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