Monday, May 2, 2022

June 9th

So... the clown show, or more appropriately, the clown coup round up is scheduled to commence on June 9! But as someone already commented, what happens after November elections and the The Hunter Biden Show of Shows commences? Give credit where credit due- unlike Repubs, Dems are clueless on how to promote their story line so that little else matters (see 2:30 below). They're neither single minded nor relentless enough, and corrupt as so many are, they're still not soulless enough to turn their back completely on the people they at least pretend to represent. 

So... look for The All Star Confederacy of Dunces this end of year. Interest in the coup, I mean "the legitimate political discourse" will quickly wane as we dive clown first into Huntergate. And unless Trump is criminally indicted and convicted for any of the multitude of crimes committed before and during his term of office, he'll be back selling beans from the White House yet again in 2024...

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