Thursday, December 8, 2022

Windows On The Bay

Thought about doing something on this for a coupla years now, certainly been in the news enough- just couldn't get a handle on how to actually... do it. That is, how to present it in a visually compelling way, since broken car windows are not all that intriguing once you get over the initial shock. Finally realized one had to concentrate on how each individual dealt with the aftermath of their "Smash and Grab" auto break in. And since I started, things have gotten crazier... and crazier... and crazier still- particularly when it comes to photographers!

Of course, some will seek to selectively politicize this and pontificate on how San Francisco (and CA as a whole) is drowning in crime because... it's a Blue Lib state! Somehow they seem to forget that Red states have the most violent crime and highest murder rates- you'd think that all the "good guys with guns" would have things in check there! But I digress...

Yeah, things are off the hook here in SF, it both saddens and angers me- we have to honestly confront and enact (without the now mandatory gaslighting and name calling) effective reforms and parameters that will specifically address and curtail our local problems no matter the color of our politics. Windows On The Bay is literally just a small (broken) window into an ongoing problem endemic to the San Francisco Bay Area, but universal in how such crime(s) affect, demoralize and... hopefully rally citizenry to appropriate problem solving solutions.

Photo: © S. Banos

Photo: © S. Banos

Photo: © S. Banos

Photo: © S. Banos

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