Thursday, May 16, 2024


While I (would) welcome the whole "Disclosure" process (ie- government admission of an extraterrestrial/extradimensional presence), at this point, it's a topic that I hold with diminished interest. Confirmation of the obvious is neither crucial, nor critical- or as Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku stated:

The burden of proof has shifted. It used to be the burden of proof was on the people who believe in UFOs. Now the burden of proof has shifted to the Pentagon, to the military. Now they have to prove that these aren’t extraterrestrial. We have multiple sightings by multiple modes. That is the gold standard for looking for these objects. Not just one person, but several people who are reputable. Not just radar, but visual sighting, infrared sensors, telescoping evidence... 

What I crave is exploring: how many different kinds (of ET's) are visiting, where are they from (and how do they get here), and most importantly- why are they here! The most familiar race of beings we've been introduced to are the so called "Greys," the 3 foot guys with the big bug eyes- but they are far from the only visitors that have graced our planetary shores. We've had multiple reports of: 10ft. robotic type creatures, lizard type creatures, preying mantis shaped beings, tall Nordic looking visitors- and quite a few more... And not only can they differ vastly in appearance, their tech also varies, which only makes sense- being they're from different places in the universe and have therefore advanced differently. But advanced as they are, including their mastery of travel and, no doubt, the ability to eliminate us (if they desired)- what are their agenda(s)? Some have literally been seen gathering soil and plant samples (ie- observational), others offering... spiritual guidance! Some however, also seem to be conducting significantly more hands on, nefarious operations.

The reason(s) why officialdom is dread to disclose even Part A of the above is that not only would they have to admit that our mightiest military cannot protect us, but... the whole topic falls under the terms of "The Little Bit Pregnant Clause," ie- they would then have to address all of my major concerns (above), including what have we gleaned from them technologically, and... otherwise. And they ain't letting loose with that info anytime soon! Private industry ain't gonna admit the goodies they were bequeathed, and worldwide government certainly ain't gonna volunteer what they've been able to develop outta sight and outta mind.

And that's exactly why we have to start taking the accounts of abductees ("Experiencers") a lot more seriously- at least as seriously as our military investigates them in secret. Sure, you have your share of crackpots and crazies, but as Dr. John Mack soon discovered- the vast majority are quite sane indeed (not to mention quite reticent to reveal their experiences publicly)! Long before the internets, a lot of people both worldwide and unknown to each other were describing eerily similar, out of this world details and occurrences... and it is they who are the ones most familiar with these visitors, and their secrets (fun starts around 18:00).


  1. OK, Stan. You've certainly graced my blog with enough attention over the years. I should come here more often. I read your piece to be sincere, and not satirical. Do I have it right? I've never paid enough attention to anything sufficiently to believe in such things, even living where I do, but you've earned my curiosity with your diligent intelligence in so many other matters. (And only publishing as anonymous b/c it won't recognize my url.)

  2. You read me right... Mr. Anonymous! And as I've tried to emphasize on my previous postings on this subject (click on labels, above)- fortunately, it's not my word that you need take stock in! Tomorrow's post helps further ease the initial anxiety...
