Monday, May 27, 2024

A Walk In The Sun

Photo: © Stan B.    Soaking in that Vit. D!

The Memorial Day holiday marks the unofficial start of summer in the US of A. Meanwhile, the ten hottest years on record have been in this century, the twenty hottest years on record in the last thirty years, and the very hottest year on record was 2023...

Beyond any and all reason, Donald Trump will likely be POTUS once again- and he's talking about hanging in the White House for possibly another three terms (completely illegal by two, but MAGA isn't counting). That means nothing will get done as far as addressing or alleviating the situation for however many years he remains in office slurring incoherently

Oh, and 2024 is already pacing to outdo 2023- SURPRISE! Polar ice is melting at well beyond predicted levels, glaciers are receding worldwide at record rates, and coral reefs (the canaries in the coal mine) are bleaching at unprecedented levels as the Atlantic Ocean water temps are breaking records with the expected storms to match!

I don't have kids, I'll be outta here in a few- so I'll be leaving just as the Loudest Deniers of today (the few who haven't succumbed to heat stroke) bitch the loudest about why our government didn't do nothing!

So enjoy it while you can- should be enough time left to even out that tan!

PS- Or just stand under a tree in Mexico- and the truth will set you free...

1 comment:

  1. It's sad the the best a country with 330M+ population can only put up Biden and Trump as there leader. Really, is that the best the USA has!!! Sad, really sad ....

