Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hypocrites vs. Zombies

On one side we have those who swore that no one (NO ONE!) was above the law including the POTUS, and that abortion was a settled and done deal (why are you even asking?). Not to mention that it was simply beyond all reason and human decency for a sitting Democratic POTUS to nominate a Supreme Court justice with just under a year left in his presidency, but it was perfectly copasetic for a Republican POTUS to nominate and install a Supreme Court justice of their choosing with just a few weeks left in his presidency (why are you even asking?).

And on the other side we have those who allow the walking dead to remain in office well (well) past their expiration date. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, accomplished and agile as she still was, clearly had the buzzards circling, and it cost the party dearly. Dianne Feinstein already had flies buzzing about her state of decomposition for quite some time, and was still allowed a seat amongst the living! And now we have our current POTUS whose handlers visibly cringe on the sidelines every time words may or may not come forth when his mouth goes agape, unlike the other guy's supporters who don't give a flying fucking all about anything and everything that comes outta his- wanna hear the tale about how our brave troops secured the airports during the Revolutionary War?

Happy Fourth Everyone!!! What's-your-poison?


  1. The US might as well take the blue and white out of their flag and join in with the other fascist governments who's flags are mostly red. Thanks to the Supreme Rulers democracy is now dead in the US. It will take at least two generations to get back what Trump and his mindless trolls have destroyed. Might as well move to Central America, it's safer and you know what you are getting.

  2. At first I misinterpreted your comment as two election cycles and was about to say that I think it will take considerably longer. Yes, two generations is a good starting point if he gets in again and inflicts the damage that he and his ilk have already planned. I've acclimated to the basic reality that progress is pathetically, glacially slow, and often one step forward, two steps back, but I never seriously contemplated the possibility that this country would go so many giant steps backward in such rapid succession within my lifetime. One could always arguably make the argument that Dems and Repubs were basically two sides of the same coin, but this will be a major sea change, one in which any pretense of a democratic republic will be dismantled and dispelled, and malice and selfishness will replace empathy and goodwill.
