Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

Photo: © Stan Banos

Addendum: OK, OK... this is just an image I stumbled upon, folks! Admittedly, not the greatest photo ever taken- just a humble snap worthy of a quick look and a laugh... It does not necessarily reflect the views of the author.* I'm all for L-O-V-E! Something we all need more of these days when being outwardly mean, vindictive and downright cruel is routinely reinforced and... rewarded.

*And now that ya'll got me to thinking: for the record, also not into leather and S&M, or vandalism and theft either... not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that- at least for the former.


  1. Ah yes the Andy Rooney of photography strikes again lol. - Eric

    1. Andy Old Man Rooney!!! Now that's way below the belt...

  2. Stan it is obvious that some people just don’t get or know your humor
