FWIW, after much soul searching and deep rooted meditation, I've decided to stick to the original gameplan... That is, having now reacquainted myself, I will continue with the latest juvenile reincarnation of PSE for the remainder of my F/T employment (till end of year), it's latest formulation runs $100 for 3 yrs- yes, even that is now by subscription. Then, when I actually have the time and peace of mind, I will test the waters of both LR and C1; I actually look forward to trying both out in a relaxed manner, and then proceed from there- right now, waaay too many fish to fry before that eventful time. This is a pretty stressful period in life with: financial, health, parental and housing concerns all clashing for top billing, while still attending to my F/T occupation. So, I'm really quite anxious for the time when things are (hopefully) settled enough for me to indulge myself in both the above. It'll be interesting to discover which of the two I settle on after serious testing- or, if I'll continue to avoid 'adult responsibility!'
Addendum: And I still haven't properly(?) calibrated my monitor- so I just further fine tune it after the fact to the point where it mimics what I had previous. I have to assume it was OK before since I did get a coupla commercially made prints made, and they mirrored my results...
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