Tuesday, August 15, 2017

On White Privilege

Please note: the following is written in the hope of furthering dialogue and understanding, and should be read and understood in said manner...

  (You may want to skip to 1:15 on the video).

Yes, life is hard enough. It beats you down each and every day- and when least expected, just for good measure! No doubt, some have it easier than others; no doubt, no one escapes unscathed... not-a-one, anywhere.

And this is why some people (ie- Whites) have such a problem with the very concept of... White Privilege. And they'll be more than happy to tell you that they never got any privilege for being White long as they can remember. They got ridiculed, lied to, beat down and swindled same as anyone- regardless of race, creed or color. So where's the privilege in that?

And they're all good points- each and every one. The thing about White Privilege though is that it's not about all the indignities that everyone has to suffer through and experience in life- it's about the realm of degrading and often humiliating add-ons they don't know about or refuse to acknowledge, and don't have to experience.

Whites are justifiably proud when they have succeeded economically after having started with nothing- The American Dream! But they can quickly turn indignant should one mention that a person of Color who achieved the same also had to endure the additional prejudicial battles securing: housing, education, loans and other financial musts under conditions that Whites would never encounter or be subject to. Nothing enrages a White person more than suggesting that they had it easier on the ground floor than you- that you had to work twice as hard, struggle twice as hard, sweat twice as hard simply because of the color of your skin or the accent of your English. That is anathema to White ears, it undermines their paradigm of self serving beliefs; instead of just giving that person their due props, some will insist their success came about from monies and all manner of assistance from some "government program," some hand out, some entitlement- never by the sweat of their brow or... use of their intellect. And the fact that they were raised in neighborhoods that were red lined with the worst: schools, nutrition, medical care, economic opportunities, etc, etc never, ever comes into play. Many Whites unconsciously assume we all start on a level playing field- and do we really have to get into which group gets the severest penalties for the same exact crime (or gets shot for trying to show their... license)? Mention any obstacle you have to overcome solely because of prejudice, and you have more than crossed the line- you are now playing the dreaded, indefensible, and totally unforgivable... "race card!"

As one person of Color remarked, "Everyday I have to think about race." And that's because whenever we're slighted or wronged, we have the additional task of considering if that particular rebuke or mistreatment occurred not because we erred as a human being- but because of a knee jerk, egregious reaction to our color or accent. We have to experience a White world simply to work and live our lives, Whites rarely have to live in or even experience our segment of reality.

I could go on and on and on with more and more examples, but that is only likely to stir up more anger, denial and resentment, within certain factions. So the video cuts to the chase, and serves a very simple purpose... Because even the most truly hardened and prejudicial of people have to admit in their heart of hearts that had President Obama said half of what Trump has said (particularly that little ol' "pussy" thang), the (White) hordes would have descended en force, torches alight and pitch forks gleaming on that (dump of a) White House lawn, screaming with veins a popping in their necks to bring him on out so they could lynch that uppity, no good n.....

But the point is, they don't have to admit it, not to anyone, not ever- not even to themselves; and that, in a nutshell, is the very essence of... White Privilege.


  1. So what you are saying is being born white is kind of like being born with original sin. Except in this case white people are damned for all eternity just because they are white with no chance of redemption in your eyes.

  2. No, not at all, and I don't see where that claim is made, or even alluded to. What I am saying is that being White is so obviously an advantage... in a White dominated society, that can (according to the occasion) vary anywhere from the grand to the inconsequential.

    And that's just the thing, it's such a commonsensical, fact of life (least here in America) that it really shouldn't command further explanation- and certainly not denial. But obviously, one's viewpoint all depends on which side of the fence one's born on- or chooses to stand on...

  3. I agree there certainly is systemic racial bias. I've been in many black dominated countries and was discriminated against there. Same with Asian countries, latin countries you name it. Human's are a-holes, plan and simple. In the US and Canada it was white settlers that flooded the countries and established commerce etc. In the US you had the additional misfortune of slavery whose ugly head is again rising. Not to promote slavery but to reignite the racial bias towards those of colour. Well maybe not so much reigniting but pulling the curtains back on sentiments that have always been there in a large portion of the US population. Being that whites were first to settle the New World, wrote the rules and were the largest population, naturally they felt they ruled the roost. Could have they been more enlightened? Most definitely. However it's part of our (mankinds) DNA to dominate. Survival of the fittest and all that. The majority will always skew the rules to insure they remain the majority.

    Beyond being discriminated against due to my skin colour I have also been put down for my age, medical condition and when I was much younger the length of my hair.

    When people of colour become the majority in the US and Canada, and they will at some point, do you think they will treat the white minority any different than they were treated? Not likely.

  4. I agree there certainly is systemic racial bias. I've been in many black dominated countries and was discriminated against there. Same with Asian countries, latin countries you name it. Human's are a-holes, plan and simple. In the US and Canada it was white settlers that flooded the countries and established commerce etc. In the US you had the additional misfortune of slavery whose ugly head is again rising. Not to promote slavery but to reignite the racial bias towards those of colour. Well maybe not so much reigniting but pulling the curtains back on sentiments that have always been there in a large portion of the US population. Being that whites were first to settle the New World, wrote the rules and were the largest population, naturally they felt they ruled the roost. Could have they been more enlightened? Most definitely. However it's part of our (mankinds) DNA to dominate. Survival of the fittest and all that. The majority will always skew the rules to insure they remain the majority.

    Beyond being discriminated against due to my skin colour I have also been put down for my age, medical condition and when I was much younger the length of my hair.

    When people of colour become the majority in the US and Canada, and they will at some point, do you think they will treat the white minority any different than they were treated? Not likely.

  5. One of the reasons I think Whites have a problem with the term is that privilege is often perceived as something earned or bequeathed upon an individual. Most Whites in the USA are born (at least theoretically) on equal footing, unlike people of Color who emerge in a society that values them as less. The former, of course, do not feel a sense of entitlement since there is no official societal proclamation of its existence, unlike the latter who grow up to learn every nuance and subtlety in which it differentiates them. Whites can decry the very mention of "entitlements," while very much oblivious to their own.

    Perhaps that is what you referred to as "original sin." The good news is that "enlightened" people can just acknowledge and see it for what it is, and then carry on to lead righteous lives...

  6. "Being that whites were first to settle the New World..."

    Ouch!!! Being that Whites were the first to annihilate the original inhabitants of the so called New World... Getting the history right is the very first step towards getting anything crucial, right. Please!

    That said, I do agree that people of every stripe and color are major Assholes, it does come part and parcel with our basic humanity. And I can only pray (well, there's so much more we can all do than just pray) that we learn to coexist with each other sooner rather than later, whatever the racial ratio...

  7. I'm aware of the history associated with the settling of NA. What I am not so aware of are who the "Natives" slaughtered when they first came to NA. Maybe just each other, who knows. In any event if one group can consider themselves different than another, they also consider themselves superior.

    The sooner people loose the chip on their shoulders, the sooner we will learn to coexist.

  8. I'm sure you are- which is why it always needs to be mentioned, since there are people who will purposely delete, dilute or alter that history to suit there needs.

    Yes, I'm all for the chip falling- but that can only happen when the causes for it's existence are first acknowledged and then addressed and dealt with in an agreeable manner. Right now we are in the midst of an administration that does not even admit to the existence of said chip- or claims it is solely the result and responsibility of those historically most oppressed by it.

  9. Trump is a sick aberration who's only agenda is to promote Trump and the Trump brand. He has the bigots as part of his base. He was primarily elected by hard working people who wanted to see him actually do something in Washington. Get the economy moving again and bring jobs back to the middle class. That's what he promised and ultimately that is what he will be measured on by those that voted for him. So far he has batted a big fat zero. He seems unable to move away from not even secondary issues, but probably issues that any CEO would just ignore.

    His only real reason he supports the alt-right is he doesn't want to loose any friends. How sad for America.

  10. Trump's bigotry is not particularly more, or less, than many of his Republican colleagues. Not one Republican objected when a confirmed racist was nominated for AG. What upsets Republicans is that he doesn't adopt the standard Republican filter when addressing issues regarding race. By more openly reveling in his own racism, he therefore threatens to make theirs that more transparent.
