Friday, July 12, 2019


I'm not a big horror movie fan, not into waiting for things to jump outta the shadows for supposed chills and thrills- just-not-my-thing... And Midsommar is fortunately, not that kinda horror movie. For one thing, a lot of the horrible things that happen as the story unfolds happen off screen- although, yeah, you certainly get to see enough on. And not since The Innocents, does so much (like all) of the horror happen in broad daylight. But it does provide a nice creepy, and thoroughly discombobulating, alternative to the usual, oft repeated, horror genre- and pretty much reflects why I would be absolutely terrified downing a few innocent brews in a traditional German beer garden in the midst of celebratory Octoberfest. Yeah, this happens in Sweden, not Germany- but I think you get the gist in my case. 

And speaking of Sweden, just loved that they took a group selfie of their festivities with what else... a Hasselblad!

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