Marianne Williamson- and more importantly, why is she so spot on about so many things that actually matter!?! Much as I love Elizabeth Warren- she'd get eaten alive by Trump, and good ol' Bernie, that charisma gene just seems to be absent, or at least... aged beyond repair. And she even makes Kamala look meek!
Admittedly, I just learned of this woman this Tues eve from online video clips (don't have cable)- but I wish half the Democratic candidates had the fire in the belly that she does... and the truth to go with it!!!
People say our system is broken — it’s not just broken, it’s corrupt to
the core. It’s not just that our economy isn’t working for everyone,
it’s that our economy has become completely taken over by corporate
forces. -Marianne Williamson
I playfully call her the Crystal and cat lady yet you're right. She's spot on about everything.