Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Photo: © S. Banos

You just adapt to the camera- actually, you always adapt to the camera. Guess what I'm really trying to say is that sometimes you not only change how you shoot to accommodate yourself to your new camera's quirks and advantages, sometimes you actually change what you're shooting because of it. I've rather unknowingly found myself taking advantage of the Q's FF sensor to shoot images featuring increased expanses of more dimly lit areas. The improved shadow detail is rendered in a richer, more pleasing manner that facilitates more nuanced lighting scenarios that previously went either without consideration or appreciation. 

That said, I was damn lucky to get these- right place, right time, nothing but coincidence. To think I could just walk about residential San Francisco (forgot just how beautiful so many parts of this city still are) and continue to find interesting sites kissed with just the right balance of light and shadow is far from realistic. But, at the very least, this has opened up both a new way and new time of seeing- and that is something to draw on for the remainder,,,

Photo: © S. Banos

Photo: © S. Banos

Photo: © S. Banos

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