Monday, March 27, 2017

Amerca's Non-Funniest Look-A-Like Judge

Tom Bergeron
 Do you think we could slip in the guy on the left, for the guy on the right (and I do mean... Right)? I mean no one would notice until discovering the former not only has some semblance of a sense of humor, he would also make considerably less robotic decisions that could favorably influence the lives of fellow citizens, instead of... endangering them.

Attorney Robert Fetter, who represented Maddin in his lawsuit, said Gorsuch's "folksy" and "pleasant" demeanor in the confirmation hearings contrast sharply to the judge he saw on the bench. 

"I did not detect any of this pleasant disposition or folksiness. He was hostile. As a matter of fact, he was quite hostile," said Fetter, claiming Gorsuch went out of his way to "cherry-pick" the law to uphold firing Maddin.

"He went quite a length, in my opinion, to find a way to rule against him," Fetter said. "It shows something about his judicial philosophy or perhaps his bias being pro business or pro corporation. It's just bias."

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