Monday, November 6, 2017

And The Winner Of This Week's Mass Shooting...

And so it goes... until next week, and the week after that... But we can't "politicize it" unlike our POTUS does if the terrorist is Muslim. This terrorist is White- so he is branded ANTIFA, although it is an outright lie conveniently concocted for the gullible haters among us! And he can't really be a terrorist, because only Muslims (with a few Blacks thrown in for good measure) are terrorists, though I'm guessing the people in that Texas church and community were plenty damn terrorized...

But it's too soon to talk about gun control- we all know that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." And don't forget the B Side- "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." Why would they lie???

So why try to save innocent lives, why get all worked up and bothered, or even go through the motions? When we know damn well- it can't possibly be done... I mean, if we actually knew a way, if such a thing actually existed, if we had within our grasp, the power to stop the deaths of more and more innocents each and every year, each and every week- we, the greatest moral arbiters in the history of Western Civilization would have already done so...................................

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