Wednesday, November 8, 2017


This is pretty damn scary... And if you examine (as I am wont to do on occasion) what your average Joe's are thinking and saying across the nation at any given time- you wonder how so many people can get things so very, VERY Wrong!!! They are spontaneously telling you (and with complete and utter conviction) "facts" that are neither verified, nor... true! 

The Shooter was a born and bred Muslim, The Shooter was a recent convert, the shooter was Antifah (evidence: he wore all black- RIP Johnny Cash)!!! All the above, particularly the latter two, were being proclaimed as Fact- while I was still trying to get the most basic of information concerning our most recent mass gun slaughter. The second non-truth was also prevalent immediately after the Vegas shooting. 

The Right's social networks and "news" sources now come with prefabricated disinformation ready to go at a second's notice whenever something major either feeds into their belief system- or contradicts it! And once they launch- there is no way of recalling those missiles of disinformation. They will then repeat those exaggerations, "alternative facts,' half truths and outright lies as THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH- if not the outright word of god. And yes, god help you should you try to say anything otherwise... You will not permeate that invulnerable wall, their dedication to deflecting anything that makes them appear as fallible human beings is absolute and complete. This impregnable echo chamber is how you can actually get so many people to believe complete and utter lunacy like: Hillary Clinton and her Pizza Parlor/Child Sex Ring- and believe it to the point where someone actually went to... shoot up the place they believed fit this completely malicious concoction!!! And if that doesn't sound crazy enough... people still held a protest to denounce this fabricated travesty despite Alex Jones' apology for spreading such a fictitious abomination.  

Yes!!! These people are so far removed, that they still actively chose to believe A Complete Lie, even though the person who concocted The Lie, admitted it was A Lie, and apologized for The Lie- simply because it fits their particular belief system... Is it any wonder they believe The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery?


  1. Brainwashed, or something close to it, may be an apt description. And the Civil War? Thanks Obama, or maybe it was Hillary, or Ford vs. Chevy. Anything but actual history.

  2. Give credit where credit is due- they are The Masters of Deflection.
