Until two weeks ago I knew nothing about cleaning a digital camera sensor- the very thought sent chills down my spine; I wanted nothing to do with sticking my uncertain, unknowing hands down into the very heart of the most vital and fragile component of digital technology. Screw that up, and there goes the ballgame! But deep down inside, I knew without doubt, rhyme or reason that at the most insidious and inconvenient time imaginable- my date with destiny would most assuredly arrive, and I best be prepared...
Well, having recently picked up a used X-T1 body for $425 in seemingly V Good Cond on eBay- I was, at the very least, somewhat leery as to the cleanliness of the sensor. So I studied a good half dozen sensor cleaning videos on You Tube, purchased the necessary tools and manned up for what would probably be my first "wet cleaning." Sure enough, the camera sensor did have a few spots, so I steeled my nerves, steadied my hand and dove right in. After the initial air blowing, I applied one even stroke followed by another in reverse, and the spots were gone- but now in their place were a myriad of streaks across the entire length of the sensor; and not one of the videos viewed ever mentioned anything about any dreaded... streaks!
So I did it again, and again, and again- and got more, and more, and more streaks. All the videos said not to over saturate the cleaning swabs- so each time, I put on less and less cleaning solution (Aero-Eclipse). So yeah, as can well be imagined, I'm pretty much in scream for my life crisis mode- I Google "streaks sensor cleaning." And finally, some useful information... Seems the (new) Aero-Eclipse solution is prone to streaking, and the (new) Sensor Swab Ultra (the brands used) is ultra absorbent. So instead of delicately applying 2-3 drops on either side of the swab, one really has to saturate the dang thing with 4-5 on both. The manufacture alludes to this on their video, which I hadn't found previously. Tried it anew, and... streaks begone- I finally achieved one nice, very clean sensor!
I notified the manufacturer of said products concerning my trials and tribulations, and David M. Stone replied, explaining that the new, non flammable (ie- airport worthy, thus the prefix) Aero-Eclipse cleaning solution was more problematic (and now: Discontinued) and prone to streaking- he was also nice enough to send me two bottles of the regular, less problematic Eclipse solution (more alcohol based, quicker drying). Don't think I'll ever use all the solution in my remaining lifetime, but I may need an extra swab or two...
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