Friday, January 19, 2018

The Post

The owner of The Washington Post, Katharine Graham, was rich, influential and... female. She hobnobbed with fellow well connected, well to do movers and shakers, and yet... despite the influence, position and inherent power, she was a woman adrift- condescended to however slightly by her very peers and underlings simply because of her sex. She was the ultimate figurehead, who ruled not by individual decree, but through the consent of her male colleagues.

It was a dynamic I immediately recognized- subtle, discreet, where one is perhaps heard, but never truly acknowledged. And it happens whether you're female, or of color. A dynamic that has always given me the impetus to sound off, even when (particularly when) denied the power. And to have this movie come out at the exact time when women are doubling down on their right to be heard and believed is particularly fortuitous!

In The Post, Spielberg finally just lets the story play through- no cgi, no fancy cinematic techniques, no all conquering heroes. History has a story to tell- one several we have well yet to learn...

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