Monday, May 21, 2018

Fujifilm vs. Windows 10 Update

Tried to upload files from my XT-1 to Windows Picture Viewer (or whatever it's called) as per usual on my desktop hard drive and they wouldn't open due to... lack of "permission!" HUH!?!? I have to ask permission from my computer, connected to my camera, using my memory card, holding my pictures, that I took!?!?!? Is that how this goes? Really???

This never happened before- but did happen immediately after uploading the latest Windows 10 Update. Managed to get a Windows tech rep on the phone, who went at it for around an hour, and allowed file access only upon my removal and replacement in a card reader. So naturally (as I predicted)... the camera got the blame. Had him replace previous Windows version (after unloading on him mercilessly for all the grief caused), and now things are back to the way they were prior to update- which seems I will have to do without, whatever wondrous, modern wonder of wonders I am now denied. Hopefully, none of you out there will suffer a similar, said fate.

AddendumFujifilm says they have no knowledge of this problem- which is odd, considering if you go online, you can see quite a few links concerning connection problems between various Fujifilm cameras and Windows 10 since the latter's debut in 2015...

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