Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Dissolution of Good Into Evil

It's both sad and infuriating to see what Aung San Suu Kyi has allowed herself to become, basically- yet another, lying, self promoting politician turning a blind eye to the multitude of atrocities being committed by her military (on the Rohingya people). Women being mutilated, raped and slaughtered; children being thrown into burning homes and then pushed back in should they try to save their own lives. This once, would be heroine of peace and justice is now a most active apologist to the most horrendous crimes against humanity possible...


  1. I think she conned the West who is more influenced by looks and words than actions. She is now showing her true colours. To stay in power with all the perks that gives her and her cronies what they crave she has enter into a pact with the military. This should also be a lesson to all who think Buddhists are all peaceful. People are people. Power hungry, corrupt, greedy and self centred. Given the chance to take advantage of someone 85% of humans would take that advantage, even if it is to the detriment of the other person, if they felt they wouldn't get caught. We are a very flawed species.

  2. Yup, my main take away as well- each and every organized religion can go straight to hell where they belong (or where they were all created).

    I have nothing against spirituality, we need A LOT more of it. The so called "primitives" had it right, if we all believed in animism: the world, its people and everything in it would be in a much healthier, sacred and profound place.
