Friday, August 30, 2019

The Nightingale

A coupla weeks ago I saw a movie that was over two hours long- and I couldn't for the life of me tell ya what the hell it was about if I tried. Last week I saw one of equal length, and it's one I won't soon forget...

Frankly, The Nightingale is one brutal, savage movie- full of all the brutality and savagery that man has repeatedly proven more than capable of throughout time and history, be it in the wilds and majesty of nature, or the fabricated subterfuge of civilization. We saw a similar tale but a year earlier in Hostiles, a brute force of a movie in it's own right, but one that offered that longing ray of hope once the vengeance and savagery was released. 

This film doesn't offer any neat karmic resolutions, at least not in such formulaic progression- revenge doesn't even the score, justice does not provide closure, ignorance and barbarity still abound. And in the midst of the blood letting, the camera occasionally wanders about to reveal the details of beauty in the wild landscape that surround man's sordid inhumanity; as if nature, violent and unforgiving as it is, seemed to well separate itself from the evil and insanity it once, accidentally unleashed upon itself...

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