Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ain't It TheTruth...

“If Congress fails to impeach here, then the impeachment process has lost all meaning, and, along with that, our Constitution’s carefully crafted safeguards against the establishment of a king on American soil... If what we’re talking about is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable.”     -North Carolina Law Professor Michael Gerhardt


  1. t's the beginning of the end for the republic experiment called the United States of America. Capitalism left unchecked kills and enslaves the poor while making the rich ever more powerful and naturally richer. Trump is the ultimate final lap of unchecked capitalism and all the corruption is panders too.

    The rich, inside and outside of America, bought the election in 2016. It will happen again in 2020. With that the USA as you know it will implode on itself. Americans will be the cheap workforce of the Russians and Chinese within 20 years imho. The intellectual elite, and those of moral strength will leave the US homeland to the billy-bobs who have been sucked into thinking they actually have some power. They just don't see that they are being groomed to be the underpaid white slaves of the rich.

    Sad, just plain sad. While the rich have everyone glued to their TV's watching talking heads they are working hard in the dark to take it all away. The illusion is that the DEM's and GOP are working against each other. They are all paid off by the very same people. The script has been written and the politicians are playing their parts to perfection.

    History always seems to repeat itself. The US is just following along the same path as so many other dynasties. Lessons are never learned.

    1. Unfortunately, I can't disagree with any of that...

      And god help us all if he's elected (or selected again) for another four-
      the continued rise of wanton corruption and lawlessness will spike to unprecedented levels of outright craziness!
