Friday, October 22, 2021


Surprisingly enough, this marks my 11th Blurb book- and even more surprisingly, I actually have some good news concerning one of those books, which I will divulge in the near future. And that's not something I get to say every day. But on to the news at hand... 

Trump Derangement Syndrome is my latest (and therefore greatest), a conglomeration of all photos Trumpian amassed within the last five years. Admittedly, it's a thoroughly one sided affair, and visually, that was not premeditated- it is simply the result of the demographic in which I reside. Photographically, I would have preferred to have documented more than the one photo included depicting the pro-Trump side- politically, I have not been shy in stating where I stand concerning the man rat fucking bastard. I believe he is the biggest domestic threat to whatever good this country has achieved, and stands to achieve, now and in our immediate future. He elevates ignorance to a virtue (while exploiting the very people who revel in it), and extols and disseminates prejudice and bigotry to divide and set ourselves against each other- to better allow him to yet again ignore, reject and ultimately pervert and overturn our law and system of government.

Yes, I have TDS, completely, undeniably- we avoid it at our peril. His cronies have already been legally positioned to overturn election results in key states- no matter what the results! "Just say it's corrupt- and we'll do the rest!" What further admonition of his own sheer audacity to embrace and propagate corruption and illegality do we need hear!?

But I digress... and fortunately, the book, unlike my verbal rants and analyses, does have it's share of visual levity and entertainment within its images- something I rather rapidly lose when discussing its very subject...

As usual, I'm not imploring anyone to actually buy it (and I don't make a dime on any purchase), but if you do like the images, you may want to consider getting the PDF for $5.00- the downside is that you don't get the actual physicality of the book itself (which is always kinda nice), but... the cool thing is that- the images onscreen are actually much better than the printed version, and at a much better price!

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