Sunday, January 7, 2024

American Exceptionalism

Like so many other things in life, you have to laugh- cause the alternative...

In this life, I've gone from disbelievingly ogling vintage B&W photos of circus fat men and women back in the day, to seeing their current, exceedingly more corpulent counterparts live and in person on every block of every town, city and hamlet in the US of A. The difference in sheer volume of everyday homo sapiens in America has exponentially grown and metamorphized into shapes and sizes I never thought humanly possible- as if the entire country was under the control of some mad, sinister scientific experiment gone horribly, terribly wrong. People literally gorging themselves into mutated forms and masses distended well beyond belief or ambulation!

And, of course, those corpulent masses of fat and morbidity are just reflections of the sickness within our one controlling organ that doesn't grow, and that has long ceased to function in any effective, meaningful manner. Something is terribly, terribly wrong in America, as it continues to metastasize well beyond it's ability to reflect, lead or even think rationally- if only to save itself, on an individual or social level. Our national obesity is but a reflection of our body politic- while some of us can no longer see our own feet, even more of us can no longer see beyond our own feelings, beyond our own misguided diet of delusional beliefs and self interests. We have become planets unto ourselves, in size and self importance, oblivious to the universe that engulfs us all. We have need of neither science nor history, no need of empathy, no need of rational, mutual interaction between individuals, peoples or the very earth that sustains us. We simply exist to grow larger, more full of ourselves each and every passing day lest anyone dare deny us all we want.

Photo: Arsal Aleem

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