Thursday, January 4, 2024

PSSST... Wanna STOP Illegal Immigration?

I've often said that if ya wanna end illegal immigration- one doesn't need to build a single wall, just... Stop-hiring-them! Politicians are big on yelling about ILLEGALS and all the havoc they're causing- but mums the word when it comes to allowing them to work in their very own cities and states! Usually, these illegal immigrants can be found working for employers whose jobs are: too odious, too dangerous and too low paying to attract US citizens. If these politicos (usually located in Red states that complain about "illegals" the most) would properly regulate their businesses to enforce their own existing laws to not employ illegal aliens- the word would soon ring out that those jobs are no longer to be had in the USA. No one is gonna make what is often a life threatening journey just to get here if they have NO chance of employment. As long as you hire under the radar- come they will...

This problem has gotten so bad that they are even hiring children in everything from meat processing to car manufacturing plants. And some of these children have already been killed, injured or seriously maimed on the job! But don't we have child labor laws? That's what I thought too, but Iowa just passed a law that allows 14 yr olds to work F/T factory night shifts, while other states are considering much the same! 

This insanity is not unlike climate change- we know exactly what must be done for our own good, we just rather argue than actually fix it.

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