Sunday, October 8, 2017


Is it safe to talk about gun control... now? I mean we couldn't talk about it on the very day of our most recent masturbatory gun massacre- just like uhhh... we couldn't and didn't talk about terrorism on 9/11.

So what have we learned? Well, we all know that Mr. Paddock could've killed just as many people with a rock, or a club, or his bare hands for Chjrissakes! After all, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people!" And if it wasn't for some good guy civilian with a gun ending this bad guy with a gun in Vegas... Wait, wha...? Yeah, two, count 'em- 2 NRA mantras up in (gun) smoke in one incident. 

Most of his fellow guns nuts would have had nothing but praise and admiration had they met Mr. Paddock and his compensatory collection the day before. The only question is- which well armed, macho-maniac will be the next to snap? Can't wait- can you? 

As to what to do with those two rooms at The Mandalay Bay- donate 'em to the NRA! Tourists can then marvel at the vast arsenal of weaponry that their organization has fought to make available to any mass murdering maniac throughout the US of A... and then peer at the concert grounds below, imagining what they would look like on the other end of the scope as they lay bleeding out in wondrous celebration of their 2nd Amendment Right!

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