Sunday, July 31, 2022

2 Phones

I have two phones now, and not because I need them, or because my life is all that complicated. I was simply bequeathed one from work; it's a smart phone, unlike my personal phone, the one I now officially call my "spam phone," which is exactly what it excels at. Lately, the calls have progressed from Medicare benefit inquiries to those of the funeral service variety. Since I never quite persevere long enough (if at all) to avail myself of what exactly they're offering, it's still endearing to know they constantly have my best interests in mind...

I'm just sorta worried about them is all, they've kinda painted themselves into a corner. I mean what's possibly left after my funeral concerns? Maybe something to do with... wills!? I can't seem to think of anything else- perhaps I should pass that on to them! 

Wait, I'm getting a call...

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