Sunday, July 24, 2022

Anyone With...

Those possessing the very slightest acquaintance with human nature and common sense should now realize that Donald Trump is/and always has been the most perfectly transparent con man who ever grifted the American political stage (even if it took this painfully long to get to such a woefully evident insight). And that still excludes all of his MAGA Faithful who purposely ignored any of the Jan. 6 investigative hearings. When facts no longer matter, and mere whim rules the day, it's impossible to accurately judge where any society currently stands, other than the most obvious of assessments- that it's in severely-deep-shit!

As if to prove my point:  Jim Banks of Indiana... said that if the hearings have done anything, "they've exonerated President Trump and the people supporting him."

And the irony is... he's 100% percent correct! He and his ilk are no longer bound by the rules of reality; they have broken free into the realm of their own delusional making! And we're the ones left to deal with their maniacal fantasies, and policies...

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